Design of Inference

Adaptive, Reinforcement Learning-based Model Management for Multifidelity Monte Carlo

Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification (Front-UQ)
0 min read

Inference Design for the Uncertainty Quantification of Extreme-Scale Simulations

Laboratory for Applied Mathematics, Numerical Software, and Statistics (LANS) Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory
0 min read

Data-Driven Inference Design for the Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of the Reactive Shock-Bubble Interaction

8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS22)
0 min read

Inference Design for the Uncertainty Quantification of Extreme-Scale Fluid Dynamics Simulations

SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22)
1 min read

Inference Design for the Uncertainty Quantification of the Reactive Shock-Bubble Interaction

Origins Data Science Laboratory, Max Planck Society
0 min read